Sunday 9 March 2014


"Why a spoon? Why not an axe?" "Because it's DULL, you twit. It'll hurt more."

A foundation block from the original Nottingham Castle

HAWORTH - Haworth Church

The Bronte's personal box

HAWORTH - Haworth Cemetery

Because the the sanitary conditions and sewage systems in Haworth during the 1800s were less than satisfactory, many people died young during this time. The average age of a citizen of Haworth during the time of the Brontes was 22. The Haworth Cemetery, below, though much smaller in size, hold the same number of bodies as the Gettysburg Cemetery in Pennsylvania.  

A lovely tree-lined avenue in townh

HAWORTH - Top Withins

Top Withins, the destination of our seven mile hike through the moors, was a common place where members of the Bronte family would walk to. Top Withins is supposedly the inspiration for Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights.

HAWORTH - The Moor Walks

NOTTINGHAM - Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem

Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem, in Nottingham, is the oldest existing pub in England 

The ceiling of the Jerusalem was very cave-like, with lots of cobwebs

Demon Katy!

Our meal at the Jerusalem - Burger Sliders!

If you sat in this chair, you would become pregnant within the year. However, sitting was off limits because the chair was too old. Or actually worked. Who knows. I didn't sit in it.

Monday 10 February 2014


Traveled to Lincoln for a day trip. Lincoln is one of the oldest cities in England. It was originally founded by the Celts as Lindon and was greatly expanded by the Roman Invaders as Lindum Colonia. There are many interesting historical sites here, including the Lincoln Cathedral, the Lincoln Castle, and road markers indicating the boundaries of the old Roman forum.

Steep Hill, a nice little shopping street and workout route

The Lincoln Cathedral

The East Wall of the Lincoln Castle